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Kris Kitani PhD

Office: Smith Hall (EDSH) 211

Research Areas: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Autonomous Systems

Lab Vision

The vision of our lab is to realize robust autonomous systems built for real-world perception and interactive decision-making. The key focus areas of our lab are perception, decision-making and interaction. Our focus is broad because we believe that innovating at the system-level requires expertise and integration at the component level.

We innovate across the full spectrum of perception including vision-based human pose estimation, action recognition, object detection/tracking/forecasting, 3D scene understanding. We develop computational models for reinforcement learning, inverse reinforcement learning, imitation learning, game-theoretic modeling and Neural Architecture Search. We build real-world systems to enable cyber-physical interaction including wearable camera systems, multi-modal sensors, portable navigational aides and assistive mobile robots.

Lab Publications Cognitive Assistance Lab EGO4D Consortium

Hiring Information:

(Feb 2025) No open positions

Current PhD Students:


Kris M. Kitani is an associate research professor of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, and a Research Scientist at Meta FAIR. He received his BS at the University of Southern California and his MS and PhD at the University of Tokyo. His research projects span the areas of computer vision, machine learning and human computer interaction. In particular, his research interests lie at the intersection of first-person vision, human activity modeling and inverse reinforcement learning. His work has been awarded the Marr Prize honorable mention at ICCV 2017, best paper honorable mention at CHI 2017 and CHI 2020, best paper at W4A 2017 and 2019, best application paper ACCV 2014 and best paper honorable mention ECCV 2012.



AI Research Scientist, Meta FAIR (2023-present)
Associate Research Professor at CMU (2019-present)
MSCV Program Director (2018-2022)
Assistant Research Professor at CMU (2016-2019)
Systems Scientist at CMU (2013-2016)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at CMU with Martial Hebert and Drew Bagnell (2011-2013)
Assistant Professor at UEC Tokyo with Hideki Koike (2008-2011)
Visiting scholar at UCSD with Serge Belongie (2010)
University of Tokyo with Yoichi Sato (MS 2005, PhD 2008)
Engineer at KLA-Tencor (2000-2003)
University of Southern California (BS, Electrical Engineering 2000)
